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Big thanks!

If you got a kick out of contributing to the cause, here are a few more ways to do just that!


Challenge your school / workplace / club / association / daycare / church / pen pal / local store / organization / choir / social media network / sauna buddies to join our movement!


Post about Ilmastoveivi on social media and share our campaign! Public discussion is necessary to solve all the many issues that impact climate.

Challenge the political party leaders

Juha Sipilä / Kesk.
Petteri Orpo / Kok.
Sampo Terho / Sin.
Antti Rinne / SDP
Pekka Haavisto / Vihr.
Li Andersson / Vas.
Anna-Maja Henriksson / RKP
Sari Essayah / KD
Jussi Halla-aho / PS


Support and vote for candidates in the 2019 parliamentary election who have pledged to take global warming seriously. Send the link to Ilmastoveivi2019 to your preferred candidate and ask them if they are committed to the goals presented by our campaign. The responsibility does not lie only on the individual, but rests on the shoulders of our decision-makers. Your vote makes a difference.

Follow us

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to keep up with our campaign. Make sure to also subscribe to our newsletter so you can be the first to hear about events we organize and new developments!